opendyslexic-font-ttf: opendyslexic-font-ttf (font created for dyslexic people) opendyslexic-font-ttf: opendyslexic-font-ttf: OpenDyslexic is created to help with some of the symptoms of dyslexia. opendyslexic-font-ttf: Letters have heavy weighted bottoms to indicate direction. opendyslexic-font-ttf: You are able to quickly figure out which part of the letter is down opendyslexic-font-ttf: which aids in recognizing the correct letter, and sometimes helps opendyslexic-font-ttf: to keep your brain from rotating them around. Consistently weighted opendyslexic-font-ttf: bottoms can also help reinforce the line of text. The unique shapes opendyslexic-font-ttf: of each letter can help prevent confusion. opendyslexic-font-ttf: opendyslexic-font-ttf: opendyslexic-font-ttf home: