google-carlito-font-ttf: google-carlito-font-ttf (font metric-compatible with Calibri) google-carlito-font-ttf: google-carlito-font-ttf: Carlito is metric-compatible with Calibri font. google-carlito-font-ttf: Carlito comes in regular, bold, italic, and bold italic. google-carlito-font-ttf: The family covers Latin-Greek-Cyrillic (not a complete set, though) google-carlito-font-ttf: with about 2,000 glyphs. google-carlito-font-ttf: It has the same character coverage as Calibri. google-carlito-font-ttf: This font is sans-serif typeface family based on Lato. google-carlito-font-ttf: google-carlito-font-ttf: See also: google-carlito-font-ttf: